Celebrate 15 years anniversary of Umoja


Celebrate 15 years anniversary of Umoja

UmojaSwitch is celebrating 15 years of success.

Umoja network is managed by UmojaSwitch Company Limited, a company which started as consortium in 2006 and later became a company in 2012. UmojaSwitch Co. is owned by banks. Currently, there are 20 member banks while among them, 11 member banks are the shareholders.


Umoja has succeed to add value and faciliate digital payment. It offer a number of services which are:

  1. Shared ATMs and Agents
  2. Mobile Banking
  3. Agency Banking
  4. Visa Processing
  5. UnionPay Card Acquiring
  6. Umoja co-branded ATM card "Umoja Card"
  7. Diebold Nixdorf ATM machines sales and support
  8. Provision of special trainings and workshops.